Wednesday, August 1, 2018

And update without really an update

I saw a dr.  well, an NP.  But I've seen her before and I trusted her.  She got me all my prescriptions that I brought up.  what I didn't bring up was anxiety.  Because I felt what I was typically feeling was not really anxiety.  But the more I research it, the more I really think it is a form of anxiety. So I need to get that checked out. I still haven't been able to go get botox.  Out new insurance starts today 8/1, so hopefully, soon I can get in with a dr who will put me through the referral process with the dr I've already seen for botox once. So if I could get the migraines and anxiety under control I would be doing pretty good. 

I'm still not where I want to be in my business and that gives me so much stress and anxiety that I barely even want to walk into the room. I don't want to look at the stuff I could be doing.  Because I'm so stressed about doing it wrong. SO most of the time I just ignore it;  I'll sit in my chair and crochet because I can't mess that up too bad. 

Most days being a housewife is hard.  And most days it probably is ALL IN MY HEAD.